

In this world of endless movement and escapeless worry, burnout feels inevitable. How can anyone truly be at peace with themselves and with God when life goes hard at 100 miles an hour? Moreover, how can people practice spiritual disciplines for the Christian life when life moves so fast? In this series, Pastor Curtis Zackery discusses how to practice spiritual disciplines as a way in which to find rest and restoration in God in all of life’s seasons.

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  • 1 - Introduction

    The Why behind the What is an essential question to ask when making intentional efforts to be in right relationship with God. Serving is good, but why do we serve? Reading the Bible is essential to the Christian walk, but why is it so important? Knowing why we practice spiritual disciplines is so...

  • 2 - Prayer

    When prayer feels like a one-sided monologue, offering to the Lord what we need and how we’re doing, we miss an essential part of what prayer is. We miss the invitation to listen. It may feel counterintuitive to ask God what to pray for, but this act can open ourselves up to another level of inti...

  • 3 - Reading

    What is your motivation behind reading and studying the Bible? To say you have? Because it feels like the right thing to do? Or, is it an authentic step into study—to capture what it is God wants us to know about Him? Next time you open the Word, take a moment to consider what the Lord may be say...

  • 4 - Meditation + Mindfulness

    When Christians hear the word meditate, we often think of emptying the mind completely. But to meditate on the text means the exact opposite—in fact, the Hebrew word, Hagah, means not just to meditate on the word, but to chew, to thoroughly glean every last bit of what it may mean. Biblical medit...

  • 5 - Fasting

    Biblical fasting is one of the most underrated, under practiced spiritual disciplines. Withholding simplifies everything. It’s when things are removed from our lives that we realize what we have given our hearts to in the first place. That is why fasting can bring us closer to God—it reorients ou...

  • 6 - Living Generously

    Serving has become something of a duty in the church, and perhaps this is because like prayer, we have lost sight of what makes this discipline so important. We shouldn’t have to serve; rather, we get to. Serving and generosity actually walk hand in hand. Generosity should be a product of communi...

  • 7 - Nature

    There are things we can learn about God simply through getting outside and appreciating the work of His hands. Romans 1:20 says that the Lord’s invisible attributes are seen most clearly through nature. Staying indoors actually limits our access to yet another side of God’s glory for the beauty o...

  • 8 - Celebration

    Christianity and seriousness can sometimes seem to go together. How often have you met a brilliant Christian, only to find them to be curmudgeonly and bland? As followers of Jesus, we are called into excitement and joy—both byproducts of living lives in orbit with our spiritual callings. Celebrat...

  • 9 - Worship

    Breaking down the word, “worship,” brings us to Worth - Ship—telling the Lord that he is worthy. When we worship with the hope that God would be lifted up, two things happen: 1) He receives the honor He deserves, and 2) It decentralizes the focus from our lives to His.

  • 10 - Sabbath

    For a lot of people, keeping the Sabbath day holy feels like the most optional of the Ten Commandments. But when you consider that God Himself chose to rest after creating the world, our perspective on its importance should shift! Sabbath thinking isn’t about what we’re doing, but how we remember...